Press Release 21 February 2024

Frisians lead in own draughts variant

FRANEKER - In the international draughts tournament Fryslân Open, which started yesterday, the Frisians still seem to have the best view on Frisian draughts. After three rounds, only Jelle Wiersma from Wommels, Taeke Kooistra from Hartwerd and local favourite Foeke Tiemensma are still without loss of points.

Especially Tiemensma's result may be called a surprise. The native of Franeker has been putting Frisian draughts on the back burner for a number of years, but he appeared to have by no means lost his touch. The Belgian Renaud Braye may not have been the most difficult opponent in the first round, but his victory over Hein de Vries after that was no mean feat, and Tiemensma also made Cor Kooistra bite the dust in the third round.

The fact that Taeke Kooistra and Jelle Wiersma also took the lead was more in line with expectations. After all, both have ruled Frisian draughts with a strong hand in the past decades. Wiersma in particular had a tough draw, although in the first round against Porter Richardson it was not too bad. But in the second round, he immediately faced the draughts giant Marten Walinga. He managed to beat him with strategic play, which he then repeated against Henk Haanstra. So last year's winner got off to a false start, all the more so as he also lost half a point in the second round against Ties Slagter from the south of the Netherlands.

Taeke Kooistra also did what he does best: win. In the first round the Lithuanian Aleksej Domchev was the victim, and Dicky van der Meer was no match for him in the second round either. After that, Kooistra was also too strong for Fedde Kramer.

With Kramer, one of the non-Frisians who did come out surprising was mentioned. In the first two rounds, the man from Groningen won from Tsjerk Wijbenga and the Pole Łukasz Kosobudzki. Also, Auke Zijlstra from Utrecht is already on two points after victories over Tsjerk Wijbenga and Marten Walinga. The last result in particular is worth noting, even if it seems that Walinga, with only one point, is not in his best form.

Today, the 24 participants from five countries continue the battle in Franeker, against the beautiful backdrop of two historic sailing ships. The eight highest-ranked draughts players qualify for the final that will be settled next Friday and Saturday, also in Franeker.

photo 1: The first move of the tournament by Elbrich Bruinsma on the board of Foeke Tiemensma from Franeker
photo 2: Petra Dušková from the Czech Republic against Aleksej Domchev from Lithuania

Photos free to use with mention: Photo WFD Foundation