Press Release 17 August 2024

Round 2 and 3 on a beautiful Saturday

According to the results of the first day the players were paired according to the Swiss system. Pairings matches like Marten Walinga vs Teake Kooistra and Jelle Wiersma vs Lukasz Kosobudzki promised to give interesting. The younger players were also facing against each other this round. Thus we already got of glimpse of draughts of the future!

The first match to be finished was Folkert Groenveld vs Aleksej Domčev. A short match was quickly decided in 9 moves, when Folkert Groenveld was able to combine to king with 43x3. When he saw that taking back the king was impossible, Domčev resigned.

After his loss against Ties Slagter the day before, Dicky van der Meer was able to play a strong match against Porter Richardson, gaining advantage almost constantly. Even though making some mistakes in the endgame van der Meer was too strong for Richardson.

The match of Malte Schulz vs Siward Walinga was for most of the game evenly matched. However, one weak move by Walinga tipped the balance in favour of Schulz, who finished the game with a so-called seller’s attack.

Jelle Wiersma vs Lukasz Kosobudski was a very complicated struggle. However, Wiersma succeeded in forcing Kosobudzki into a weak position. At a certain moment, there were no good moves left for him, and Wiersma decided the game with quite a nice combination.

Fedde Kramer vs Willem Schaap was a close match for a very long time, but after a mistake by Kramer the game was suddenly over.

The only match resulting in a draw was Hein de Vries vs Ties Slagter, after a long match with equal odds during the entirety of the game nothing remarkable happened.

The match between the two grandmasters Teake Kooistra and Marten Walinga is also one of those matches where anything can happen. After Kooistra slowly gained the advantage he gave it all away in one move. Walinga did not hesitate to play the correct moves until Kooistra surrendered.

Finally, Petra Dušková built up quite some pressure on Auke Zijlstra from the middle game on. However, Zijlstra always found a move that could be played and thus Dušková, running out of time, saw her advantage disappear slowly. In the end, Zijlstra managed to turn the tables and won the game.

Results round 2
Marten Walinga – Kooistra 1-0
Wiersma – Kosobudzki 1-0
Kramer – Schaap 0-1
Slagter – de Vries 0.5-0.5
Groenveld – Domčev 1-0
Zijlstra – Dušková 0-1
Richardson – van der Meer 0-1
Siward Walinga – Schulz 0-1

Round 3

The third round was played 30 minutes after the break, which definitely has an effect. Today was the first day with two rounds to play. This demanded a lot of energy from the players after a tough first game.

Marten Walinga, who had a very tough match against Teake Kooistra, was pushed into a corner by Willem Schaap. After giving Schaap an advantage in the opening, Walinga lost a piece in the middle game. Only at the very end of the game, in an extremely complex endgame, did Walinga have a chance to win, but playing under time pressure, he lost the match.

Porter Richardson found himself in a winning position against Aleksej Domčev, but let his victory slip away towards the end. The match ended in a draw.

Malte Schulz faced Łukasz Kosobudzki in this round and played very well in the first half of the match. But after a mistake, Kosobudzki was able to score a nice combination to win the match.

The match between Teake Kooistra and Fedde Kramer was very balanced. According to Scan, Kramer could have won at one point, but the way to victory was extremely difficult to find and the match ended in a draw.

Siward Walinga made good progress in his match against Petra Dušková, but was too eager in the endgame. His direct attack on two of Dušková's pieces proved fatal and the Czech won.

Ties Slagter had a tough opponent in Jelle Wiersma. He made hardly any mistakes and managed to build up a winning position in the endgame. However, he missed a crucial detail and let Wiersma escape with a draw.

After a long match, Dicky van der Meer and Folkert Groenveld also ended in a draw, as Van der Meer, like Slageter, missed a crucial motive in the endgame.

Exactly the opposite happened in the game between Hein de Vries and Auke Zijlstra. The game appeared to be a draw, but De Vries managed to snatch victory in the final moments of the match.

Results round 3

Schaap – Marten Walinga 1-0
Slagter – Wiersma kamp
Van der Meer – Groenveld kamp
Kosobudski – Schulz 1-0
Kramer – Kooistra kamp
Domčev – Richardson kamp
Dušková – Siward Walinga 1-0
Hein de Vries - Auke Zijlstra 1-0

Standings after round 3

Willem Schaap 3 pts.
Jelle Wiersma 2.5 pts.
Ties Slagter, Marten Walinga, Hein de Vries, Folkert Groenveld, Łukasz Kosobudzki 2 pts.
Fedde Kramer, Taeke Kooistra, Dicky van der Meer 1.5 pts.
Auke Zijlstra, Malte Schulz, Petra Dušková 1 pt.
Aleksej Domčev, Porter Richardson 0.5 pt.
Siward Walinga 0 pts.

Pairing round 4

Jelle Wiersma - Willem Schaap
Marten Walinga - Ties Slagter
Folkert Groenveld - Łukasz Kosobudzki
Fedde Kramer - Hein de Vries
Taeke Kooistra - Dicky van der Meer
Malte schulz - Petra Dušková
Auke Zijlstra - Aleksej Domčev
Porter Richardson - Siward Walinga

Picture 1: Teake Kooistra (l) against Marten Walinga; in the background Jelle Wiersma
Picture 2: Malte Schulz (l) against Siward Walinga; in the background Ties Slagter (sitting) and Fedde Kramer
Picture 3: Jelle Wiersma (l), Fedde Wiersma (referee) and Folkert Groenveld