Press Release 23 August 2024

Wiersma's advance halted with Kooistra and Walinga hot on his heels

On Friday 23 August, Jelle Wiersma seemed to continue his victory march with a fine win against Marten Walinga. The latter spoke of a "top game" by his opponent. So in the second round he changed tack and weaved a cunning combination into the position. Wiersma fell into the trap and was swept off the board with a number of spectacular shots.

On the other board, Ties Slagter had a tough time. He has only been practising the Frisian game for five years. In that time, he has become an amazingly strong opponent, but players with a lifetime of experience like the other three finalists usually still have a tough job. Again, after a valiant struggle, he slowly but surely lost both games.

That means that Jelle Wiersma (3 points) and Marten Walinga and Teake Kooistra (both 2.5 points) have to fight out Saturday 24 August, who will become the new world champion. Walinga will play two games against Slagter, and Wiersma two against Kooistra. This rules out a result with three players with equal finishes. However, it is possible that two players finish equally high. In that case, a play-off will be played with half the thinking time. If the world champion is known, he will receive the grand prix and the king's wreath from the hands of the mayor of Harlingen, Ina Sjerps.

Prior to today's two rounds, the finalists and other draughts players were welcomed by provincial minister Abel Kooistra of the province of Fryslân. He emphasised the special importance of this unique mind sport for the whole of Frisian culture.

Also today, the third partner organisation joined the Stifting WFD, the organiser of the Frisian Draughts World Championships. It was the Groningen club Fries yn Grunn, after previously the Czech Draughts Federation and the Association for Draughts in Aosta, Italy. With the partnership, the club undertakes to organise an official competition at least once a year that is part of the competition cycle of the Stifting WFD.

During the two rounds, team matches were played at the Barentsz Shipyard in Italian and International (Dutch) variants. Not surprisingly, the Italian team won the first match, with an internationally composed team coming in second. The 'Dutch' match was won by the international team, with the Italians second.