Players who register for this team can participate in official WFD online tournaments on, can play for cash prizes, or win tickets to real life tournaments and World Cup qualifiers.
It is of great importance that players do not play anonymously. As an organisation we need to know who is participating in the tournaments and therefore who to invite to our real events. Also, for the streaming of those tournaments, it is more rewarding for our streamers to know who is playing.
When membership numbers increase, organising regional online tournaments becomes an exciting possibility, so it is of value to us and to you, to know the origin of all players.
If you want to join this team please create an account with your real name (first name and last name, both beginning with a capital, without a space in between) and ask to become a member. You will receive an e-mail with further details to complete your membership. If you already have a Lidraughts account with another name, please use a different e-mail address for your new account name with us.
Prizes and subscription fee The WFD Foundation charges a small €10 euro fee. These fees for the most part bump up the prize money.
Prize money payments and subscription fees are settled annually.
In the near future, we will calculate a rating for all the tournaments organised by WFD. The WFD-Team will be then be the platform for all tournaments organised by WFD.
Please join in and play our beautiful game, the QUEEN of all mind sports, Frisian Draughts!